Welcome to newhaven.io
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newhaven.io is...
- connecting and supporting New Haven’s technology community
- self-managed by volunteers (and always looking for more!)
- a 501(c)(6) non-profit
- about tech. all tech. your tech.
If you’re a developer:
- Community (socials)
- Grow: A chance to learn, to mentor, to present
- Network: find a new team, a new teammate, or a co-founder
If you’re a local software meetup group:
- Wider outreach, visibility
- Access to meeting spaces
- Logistical help
If you’re a software company:
- Recruiting, hiring
- A way for your employees to grow and learn
If you’re an entrepreneur:
- Sponsor a meetup (usually between $300-$500), and we’ll let you pitch to the developers.