The Tech Group Organizer's Book of Patterns

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Colored Stickers on Name Badges

  • needs-example

The Problem

Tech communities are all about hiring, right? But at a networking event, it can be tough to zero in on who’s looking for a job, and who’s hiring.

The Pattern

Bring a bunch of nametags and markers, but also bring small-ish colored stickers that attendees can stick on their nametag: Red for “Hiring”, Blue for “Looking for a Job”. If you’re just looking to enjoy the evening, you don’t need an extra sticker.

If you need another kind of sticker - say, “Looking for a Co-Founder”, just use another color sticker.

Common Variants

The specific colors don’t matter, but you should probably keep them consistent across events, so people get used to them.

If you can’t find small stickers, bring colored markers and have attendees draw a strip or a circle on their badge. Or maybe the nametags themselves are colored. Again, the important thing is to be consistent, so try to find a steady supply of these.


Don’t get too crazy with the number of colors: keep the overall scheme simple. It’s just a conversation starter.


Up to three examples should suffice.

A First Example

TODO: We need an example!

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